september 03, 2009

Too afraid to go to sleep

I've just watch this movie "Whisper" it was a great movie, but too scary for me who going to sleep alone LOL.

Iam going to read from the Quran now and try to stay awake for another 2h45 mints so I can pray the morning pray before I sleep.
Hope I forget all about the movie till then.

2 kommentarer:

  1. i love scarey movies! is it on dvd ?

  2. angie nader: ye i think so. it was on tv...and it was produced 2 years ago so im pretty sure its on DVD:) if u like scary movies u should also watch(if u havent already)
    the hills got eyes (all of them)
    missed call/misscalling
    the excorcist

    and some more i don't remember now:S
