If you are following my blog you know that I got my hair cut off about a week ago. And yes, I still hate it. Why do I hate it? Because it looks like in the picture below.....
(picture borrowed from google.se)
"Learn from yesterday, live today, and plan for tomorrow"
sexy! lol.
SvaraRaderaange: LOL.they told me i still look beautiful and that the hairstyle is very nice. they havent told me its sexy. thanks;) hahaha
SvaraRaderaoh wow!!!! you need to get a new hairstylist...loool
SvaraRaderabe sure to take a lot of photos...one day u will look back and laugh-an
angie: LOL noway!!!!!!! i don't want to take any pics LOL. Iam still trying to put makeup on without looking in the mirror:P kinda impossible :D